Observe. Feel. Be. Do.
Observe within yourself.. Feel what you feel. Be with your breath. Do what comes to you to do.
Invite your fun self forward.
Let nothing bother you. Especially yourself.
Oh these extremely interesting times. Intensity can be high. All around us, multiple changes can be happening. Inside of us, self-changes can be requested and necessary. Matters can appear to touch our hearts and spirits deeply. Relationships can be challenged with all or any one of these things. Our relationship with self may be curious and trippy.
Stoicism, or being stoic, may show up with the feeling of a need to protect. This may be a way of turning down or off the truth of what is presenting itself to us. It is through strength that we feel.
Perhaps, some of the most productive ways forward are in and through. “The only way out is through.” Robert Frost
As you are happy and thriving just now, may you share your joy. Don’t hold back. Share the fun. Feel your gratefulness and abundance.
As you are challenged and/frustrated, may you invite your fun side to get on board and participate. Feel it. Honor it. Live through it.
There are devastating and mind-blowing things going on. It is ok to look for a joyous connection [even a joyous thought] as we live through the truth of these things. The angst connection can come up easy peasy during these times.
May you open up to Fun You and feel the uplifting difference it can make.