Food. It is fuel for the body like gasoline or [now] electricity is ‘food’ for our cars.
I’d like to offer to, perhaps, ask yourself when you are thinking about eating something if you will feel better if you do. If the answer is yes, eat it without guilt. Enjoy it.
If the answer is no, walk away and thank yourself.
As you become more and more aware of what makes you feel best to eat, congratulate yourself. Thank yourself. You can learn what is best for you to eat by opening up to awareness of every bite.
By eating without guilt, our bodies digest differently; more positively. Welcome enjoying every bite of what you are choosing to eat. Realize the way you feel after you eat.
You can journal what you eat and how it makes you feel if you like to journal.
By being aware and just open to realizing what this awareness tells you, you are giving yourself, your body, your organs and your cells big love. Let love fill you up. Self-love.
Balance between what you know is healthy, what you enjoy and what you choose to eat guilt-free.
Colorful eating is good for the experience of ‘Wow’ and good for the experience of eating to satisfy cravings.
Your whole being will thank you and your whole beingness will be more alive.
May the food you eat tell yourself you love yourself.
Eat more of what makes your whole self feel good. Eat to fuel and uplift your human body and mind. Eat to enjoy flavors, tastes, variety and being and feeling alive.
We eat to stay alive. May you eat what supports you to thrive.