I am going with the flow and the flow can feel so roiled, stirred up and/or disturbed.

The flow of life is feeling quite roiled in this moment to me.  The flow is every where and in every thing.  There is a plentitude of change going on.

I am open to honoring this change and believing in this change as best as I can.

I feel upside down, over and out, off and on, calm and not calm.

Our Earth; Our World – in many places and in many things is stirred up greatly just now.  Many of us are just stepping forward with as much trust as we have in every step.

If you, too, are feeling these stirrings, some turbulence, perhaps, you can ask yourself in this moment now, what is the goal.  What is your goal in this very moment.  Moment by moment be fully with each goal.

Know it.  Do it.  Feel it.  Be it.

It can be as simple as taking a deep breath; to brushing your teeth; to checking the weather; to drinking some water.  As you do these simple things, may you be aware that you are.

The goal can be much bigger like fulfilling a promise to either yourself or another; to starting, continuing onward or finishing a project; to doing a task that you’d rather not do.  Be fully engaged in the experience of You in this goal now.

Be present to your ‘now’ goals.  The goal can always be changed.  As you are present to it, may you be true to you, let your love, trust yourself and participate.

When things around you feel like they are stirred up, you can choose your goal in each moment.

This just may be one of the best ways to experience the ‘roilings’ of our world; in your world.

Through your truth, trust, love, breath and goal in this moment now.

May you breathe and let the flow of You participate through the calm and beauty of You; as often and as much as possible.