There is light, dark, colors, shadows happening all the time. And this is just the beginning of what we can experience.
It is how we see things, how we look, how we react and what we tell our self that creates our experience(s). May you realize your looksee, your thoughts and your reaction(s).
May you be aware of the experience you Are creating for yourself. I believe in you. I wish you your best kind of experiences for you. I wish you rad and exhilarating experiences.
Choose your best possible reaction, feeling, and possible understanding of what is.
If what was happening ‘for’ you just now was a lesson being taught you, what would the lesson be?
Empower yourself.
Encourage yourself.
Open to pleasure. Open to kindness. Open to mindfulness through love and support of yourself.
Participate with all that is from your most favorite place within yourself.
Hang loose and receive the beauty of what is.
Through all that is, just what if there where gifts in even the most extreme hardships that come our way; that show up.
It is easy to see the gifts in the extreme joys that come our way; that show up.
May you look for the gift(s) present in every situation; your gift(s) to/for You. Thank You for trying.