Dream. Dream about what you want your life to look like. Dream by feeling what you would like your life to feel like. Dream anything that comes to you. Dream from your heart, your soul, your spirit. Dream to manifest. Dream to imagine.
“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” Zig Ziglar
I dreamed to one day live in Florida; West Palm Beach FL before I was ever there. I dreamed to start and run a fitness business. I dreamed to become a life coach. I dreamed to get married. I dreamed to have a child. I dreamed about traveling. I dreamed about dancing in the rain. I dreamed about flying in a helicopter. I dreamed about loving many beautiful people. All these dreams came true and more.
Perhaps, take a look at your life. What have you created in your life by dreaming it first… You are pretty awesome, yes… !
Start a new dream today. What is inside of You that wants to come to fruition.. oh I’m betting it is a perfectly great dream for You. May it be yours. May it be You. May you be doing it – living it – soon.
If it is meant to be, there is nothing that can or will stop it. Invite it. Open to it.
Keep living towards it; towards You fulfilling what is inside of You to fill.
Oh it is happening. !!
Believe, reach and fly,
‘Breathe. Stretch. Smile.’
May your dreams reach You and come for You.