The other day after taking a walk, I sat outside waiting for my husband. A dragonfly stopped in front of me. By the time I got my camera ready, it had flown away. I mentally asked it to come back. It did several times and I still was not fast enough to capture a shot. I, quietly in my own mind, asked it to come back so I could take a picture of it. As I was sitting there wondering if ‘magic’ would occur, I noticed how beautiful the sky was. I took a picture of this sky and, lo and behold, there was a dragonfly in the shot. Hoot. I giggled and thanked it and had myself a ‘fun’ moment of gratefulness.
“The dragonfly and damselfly reflect and work with the sun and light. The light changes throughout the day. The dragonfly and damselfly undergo their own transformations. If they have shown up, look for change to occur. Are you resisting change when you shouldn’t? Dragonflies remind us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. “Let there be light” is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. This is part of what dragonflies and damselflies teach us.
Life is never quite the way it appears, but it is always filled with light and color. Dragonfly can help you to see through your illusions and thus allow your own light to shine forth. Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision.” From the book “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews
I have been feeling myself standing between the light and the dark. I have been looking for beauty and enjoying color. I have reflected on what, I think, is present in most of our lives.
There is a desire, a calling to be true to ourselves and let our own light shine in whatever way it does; in whatever way we truly are.
There is a huge plot twist, a ‘flight’ [of what was and what is becoming] happening.
This flight can certainly feel like the flight of a dragonfly which can be twisted, turning, changing directions instantaneously, hovering, moving up and/or down and even backwards. (per “Animal Speak”)
May you be open to allowing what is inside of you and what is created through you to flow within, without and all around you. Let your awareness of same become more conscious and learn, realize and experience meeting ‘what is’ with the truth of yourself, your feelings, your needs, your desires and what feels and is most true to raw You.
This is your journey; your flight. May you have many easy take offs and many easy landings forevermore. Ha!