I know I’m worthy (most of the time). I know how much I gave, give, did and do. This is what matters most.
Me knowing this is where I want to stand strong and with love and honor.
No one need know this as much and in the same way as I do. The way I think about myself is what my life responds and reacts to most.
I teach the world how to treat me and what I am willing to do.
I’m learning to teach and be willing anew. To match who I am now in my truth and my love; as this is what I am comprised of now. In this world that is almost totally new and different as well.
I will not leave myself. I will always be here for me. My best self is not going to work anyhow, anyway, anymore, anytime in anything unless I am true and loving in everything me. Goal!
This is the change that, perhaps, many of us can learn and choose.
Just maybe, in this we all win.
We are living life as we are whether we speak of it or not. Participating fully as our true authentic self allows participation fully in every experience, situation, moment and relationship.
In this we honor our Creator, ourselves, life, each other and the wholeness of what is. This is where and how we all thrive.
Love is the conductor. The conducive connection. Truth in our experience and/or desire for love. Loving truth is the highest expression when we share it through our open heart and open mind open to understand and accept one another as we are; through honor, grace and doing no harm.
May You do You. With an open heart, open mind open to understanding and accepting a different way of life; through honor, grace and doing no harm. May you know your highest worth. If you are breathing, you are here now for a one of a kind reason. You are highly worthy.