I feel many of us are going through our own dissection. Dissection of life as a whole. Dissection of our own life. Dissection of our self. Dissection of thoughts, situations, relationships and our beingness and own doingness.
We are finding ourselves studying, examining, researching and taking a closer look and, perhaps, very thorough looks at what the hell is up. Curious about the meaning of things. Perhaps, even a deeper, most meaningful relationship with all that is through an awareness of what we know, think we know and want to do.
I am finding myself understanding and making sense that has before felt non-sensical now with less fear and a more openness of looking at the good side of what feels, especially at first, like a ‘bad’ thing. Certainly in unexpected or what has in the past felt undesired and/or problematic because it didn’t fit into my scenario of get up and go; live.
When I accept how life is through my experience of it, life gets more accepting to me. My experience gets grander in a more minute way. It is wild yet I am calm.
Life overall feels most different than I ever remember it feeling. Great change Great truth. Great harshness. Great love. Greatness is here. The more I look and see it as such, the more I am open minded and open hearted. There is an excitement within me amidst chaos outside of me.
We are not science projects. There is a lot of new science going on.
The best science is owning and developing the experiences of your self and allow ‘what is’ now to flow like it would be the desired outcome you would choose.
This is life. This is your life. This is your experiences, thoughts, ways, being of You. You being You.
Sincere, raw, vulnerable, authentic, learning and unlearning You.
Deep what is within You is coming forward to live.
Sometimes, there are no answers but to go through and forward We can accept and be open to living truthfully in union with what life is showing us or we can fight it and want it to be different. Just what is as we accept and bring our truth to ‘life as it is’ allows ‘different’ to just flow from our honoring life and our self as it and we are just now at this time.
The vastness, pieces and parts of each of us are like a 1,000,000 puzzles to put together and take apart for in the now moment, and only now, is the best puzzle possible. It gets put together best by truth, trust, love, vulnerability, curiosity and adventure/exploration of your life on the inside matching and in union with your life on the outside.
May you unite what you feel and are on the inside with who you are and what you show on the outside. One