YOU. You are the developing news that I would like to focus on; from a place of great love.
We are all developing. You are developing. I am developing. Our world is developing.
The saying that “Sometimes when it feels like everything is falling apart, it is actually falling into place” comes up for me just now. Oh, it best be. !!
Developing from what you have known through what you are learning and experiencing now.
Developing from what used to work for you [maybe has always worked for you] in the past and it no longer does and/or there is now a better way.
Developing through your innate knowing and feelings.
Developing and processing information using your mind and heart together as a team.
Through all that is, as it is, you are (maybe) seeing, feeling, knowing things to be different.
What is still working for you, you are (I hope) honoring it and grateful for it.
The development of each of us is happening. We are no longer able to ‘stay the course’ that we have always depended on. We are no longer able to hide. We are no longer able to ignore things as easily as we (maybe) used to. We are being awakened to our own awareness on a level that many of us have never looked for, ‘played’ with or invited in. Many of us are still hesitant to do different in such a drastic manner. A lot of what is different, the experience and outcome can feel so unknown and unknowing.
This developing news is a gift. Yet, there is so much unknown and none of it seems to come to us automatically as much of it may have become routine.
This is really great news. This can feel really difficult. It can feel like news we may not want any part of.
Yet, I do believe it is really awesome, amazing, fabulous and brilliant news.
Anything is possible while we are developing and transforming anew.
We are all here now to create the world through who we are and what we know.
We can choose fear, hate, love. We may experience all three.
May we keep coming to and through love as often and as much as possible. This is where we – you and me – all rise up together and build the life that is inside each of us to build. When we build through love, the flow of just being is much easier and more enjoyable to me.
May you be aware of how you are bringing yourself into all that is your life and choose your own love through as much of it as possible and as frequently as you can.
Love flows. It truly is the best thing that we can live in. It can create a flow of ease and rising up into our most fulfilling life and our universal purpose of being. Each one of Us. You. Me. Us. and even Them. What happens to ‘them’ now touches us like never before. When we go deep enough and open up to what is, we are them and they are us. We all are in this life, here; now, together.
This can be the Breaking News that encourages life’s finest way.
May you ‘Just 9Be U’ and keep fulfilling the life that is inside of You through the beating of your heart, the breathing of your breath, the awareness of your thoughts and the wisdom of your soul. Your spirit flies highest when living in your fullness that allows for your complete being to be present in everything you encounter.
Oh, beautiful, magical, priceless brilliance that shines every time you honor all that you are and feel.
As we honor all that we are and feel, we open to a contentment that encourages us to honor all of life and living.
It is a living from the depth of connection to universal truth and flow. This is where our greatest presence (presents) resides.
It certainly feels this way to me. And, I like it… a lot.
Thank You.