In the depth of great discomfort, perhaps, there is truth just waiting to come out.
I have been experiencing discomfort, frustration, irritability and a feeling of being antsy. I realize that there is a truth within me that I am not aligned with what is inside of me and what I am doing on the outside.
I am happiest when I am offering trust, love, care, listening and hearing with the openness of learning, growing and becoming the most fulfilled, real me that I am just now. It is my greatest honor when I can support You into what your goal(s), dream(s) and inner wisdom of what you are wishing for and growing into and becoming what You are just now.
Trust your feelings. Love yourself through. Care, listen and hear what is in front of you to care about, to listen to and to really hear and respond to.
May you honor the mission of You.
Wishing you an open heart, open mind and awareness with truth, trust, love and honor.
May you participate and watch yourself living in and through your deepest truth(s).