“My life has been filled with terrible misfortune, most of which never happened.”  Michel de Montaigne

Ok then..  How true is this for You?

We do, as humans, think many things that can/may happen and we don’t always go to the best and brightest options.  We may often find ourselves thinking the worst case scenarios instead.

How about we stop doing this… to the best of our ability.

When I catch myself doing this, I want to immediately be aware and ixnay that as an option.  I want to turn it around and think of the best case scenario.

Or I can ixnay the worst case thoughts and just be here now in this moment where my truth and my life reside in real time and the real experience of what is happening.

I can even look at my ‘just now’ time and experience and if I don’t like the way I am feeling, I can change my thought on this.

It truly is up to us as we are always and the only common denominator in everything we think, feel, experience and consider.

May you be so extra gentle and kind to yourself that any hurtful thought gets ixnayed.

May you strike out any hurtful thoughts and replace them with loving thoughts.  Practice.  Practice.  Practice.  Until it becomes more and more just what You do.  Loving yourself and your life through a kind mind filled with loving, supportive thoughts.

You are worth it.

As we uplift our experiences and ways of being, we uplift the world.

World happiness on.. On and On.  On and On.

May we light up our hearts and share in joy.  Time to enjoy the life that is available to us through our love; individually and together.

May it be so.  It is so.  Amen.  Ameen.  Aum.  Hum.  Amin.  Om.   ‘There is divine presence in all creation.’