Honor yourself fully.  The self that yourself is craving.. What if by honoring yourself is what brings the ‘best of You’ energies forth…

Some of us were taught or we taught ourselves that upbeat and going-going is living.  It is.  And living is also silence and downtime and recharge time and sad times.

Throughout it all we can love.  Perhaps, living is truly about loving.

Being human can be serious stuff filled with all human emotions.  We all have our journeys that we came here to journey through.

Ups and downs and all arounds.  It is the moon’s cycle, the sun’s cycle, the ocean’s cycle, the earth’s cycle, the human race’s cycle and the human being cycle.

I innately breathe and believe in and flow with the cycle of Me.

May you believe in and flow with your cycle from within You; from the place where there is a knowing and a peace; your trust and your love.  

The world feels and is different.  We can choose love and truth and whatever comes to You through same; just maybe.

Don’t live your life on what happened in the past.  Live in how You feel/wish to experience life now and going forward.   From the love and truth that is You(rs).