In the crux of all that you are is your own uniqueness that is your superpower. What makes you standout/different is your superpower.
It may be something, because it’s so unique unto You, that you have hid or downplayed and/or even disliked about yourself. You may have not deciphered it yet. You may have loved it from the start. No matter how you see it, the reality of it does not wane.
In this reality and through the true essence of being You, once self-accepted and even self-loved, you vibrate, attract and experience the miracles of You in the most profound and enjoyable ways.
Let yourself be grateful for everything that makes U unique. It is in this gratefulness of uniqueness where your love light is the brightest and is free to live, be, thrive, have the most fun, is so important and contains the true joy of living your life’s purpose.
As we all dwell in our purpose through service and togetherness of the world (or even a limited few) everything gets uplifted when we uplift ourselves through being and honoring our true essence.
It is time now to fully embrace yourself and carry out your purpose, your passion, your essence of living your life through the most unique parts of U. Let your love, your wisdom, your charm, and ‘everything-You’ be involved in everything you do, live, experience and share.
No hard shells to break. No masks to wear. Complete authenticity and vulnerability.
May you open to the true essence of yourself and give yourself full freedom to live outloud and outside of your inner knowing, wisdom and what you love and are here to do/be/are.
I am reminded of my self created titles of “True Essence Life Coach” and “Freedom Facilitator” that I claim in full ownership that this is my love, my passion, my purpose.
You do not need a title. You certainly can choose one or more for yourself.
What is it that You love.. What is it that makes you feel true to You.. What brings You fulfillment.. This. These things are your life’s purpose.
Some purposes/callings can stay with you for most of your life if not for all of your life. Other purposes can be short term and/or brief. They all come from a source inside of you through your own knowing, wisdom and awareness.
Whatever calls to You and from within You, may you choose to answer the call. Let love be your strength, courage and guide.
We all have a heart, a mind, a soul, a gut/an instinct.
May you open to the wholeness and true essence of these gifts and let the combination of same work in unison and through freedom.
Feel the magic. Watch the magic. Share the magic.. of You.
The alchemy and elixir that is You(rs) equals to the absolute embodiment of everything You.
When there is a choice to choose love or fear, may you choose love. Choice is always available to each of us.
Thank You for being here and may you keep exploring Everything You.