These days are interesting. ‘Interesting’ is one word for them… My experiences of chaotic-ness, survivors, wisdom seeking, laughter, upset and ‘IDKs’ are abundant and (what feels like) blasting me.
The fire alarm system is being tested in the high rise I currently live in. The alarms and warnings are going off. I’m uncertain if the elevator can be used as it says not to use it when the door opens. The Management Office does not answer the phone. When I called Security, the person did not know the answer. I went for it as I had a contractor waiting for me 21 floors down. Did I mention that I have a ‘thing’ with elevators for a long time now. It is called ‘fear’. [Underlying as it is, it has stayed with me.] And, It all worked out.
I felt like I had many choices of response. I stood without a response for a moment or two and then I just laughed. I heard myself saying that God is showing me how strong I am.
Perhaps, that is what is happening for You. You are being shown how strong You are. Even when we don’t feel it, to admit it is strength.
Every person I talk to has ‘interesting’ things going on in and around their lives. Many are in ‘survival mode’. There are some that are in ‘thrive mode’. There are some that are in ‘sit back and do nothing mode’. There are some that are in ‘get angry and let the tension go’ mode. Some are in ‘push forward mode’. Most of us probably alter through them as this is what being human really is. #realtalk
How You feel matters. There are real reasons for feeling what is coming up. For me, it helps to investigate the feeling. See it from outside of myself. Sometimes, a clear answer shows itself. Sometimes, there is a lot of haze between what I am feeling and the answer.
Honor where You are. Honor what You are feeling. Honor You.
What is your very best way of doing this? What does the reality under (or is it above) the feeling show/tell You? Are you feeling your best way through? Is love present? Can you reach love? We can choose to feel what we need to and, yet, feel our best in the situation. Give and feel a kindness to ourselves that opens up trust in ourselves. A trust in the process.
May you always support You.
Breathe deep. Relax into your body. Open to your truth. Process what is present from the most loving part of yourself that is available to You.
Perhaps, this is how we can be as cool as possible in the heat of a moment.
I wish you your cool as possible in the heat of the moment.
Amazing is what is happening in our world just now. There are many other words to describe what is happening. And, there has never been a more amazing time as every one and every thing is touched as One.
You are here now because who You are and what You know and how you share You matters.
Matter on beautiful one. Matter on.