You.  Breathing.  Being.  Inviting.  Your.  Own.  Harmony.   Peace.  You.   Ahhhh.

Perhaps, it is a good moment/time to say, think, be and experience more of your favorite words and feelings.  To experience more thoughts and feels that make you be most like the best part(s) of You.

I have been taught that we think approximately 80,000 thoughts a day and that a good 75% of these thoughts we think each day, repeatedly, again and again.  Living in and through these thoughts; the same thoughts day in and day out.

I am recently finding myself ‘playing’ with my favorite thoughts.  I am creating more fulfilling thoughts.  I dance with these thoughts that give me the happiest jive and vibe possible for me.  I am inviting and, lovingly, provoking myself to get ‘my me on’.

May you invite and, lovingly, provoke you to get ‘your You on’.  

May you think, feel and breathe the loving, fun thoughts of You.   

You are the greatest gift of your entire life and beingness.  You are the only gift that you live your entire life with.

Reflect on what makes you You; naturally and through your innate wisdom.

Amaze yourself.

Like cotton candy, invite your sweet, beautiful, peaceful, light and easy feelings and thoughts.