With the full moon, the new moon, the eclipse and the equinox all falling on the same day – March 20, 2015 – there is much energy letting go, holding on, creating anew, lining up, shutting down, opening up and changing. All in one day.
While this ‘theme’ is always happening, it is especially strong tomorrow as there is scientific data confirming it.
It is my hope that we let go of what no longer serves us. Let us create what really ‘floats our boat’ and may we fall into alignment with what is within ourself and share it without and with each other.
May we just be open to this happening. Perhaps, this is the only thing we need to do. Ask for help, give permission and allow your best self to step forward into your full life.
Man, this would be a really good day!
I totally wish you a really good day.
May you connect with and respond to what propels you to be ‘off the chain’ connected. May you emerge from what you feel to be true for you. May you follow this path with the greatest of ease.