My reaction to my life starts with the content I allow and connect to in my mind.

The content I experience as my life is through the content that is in my mind.

It is not always easy.  It often can feel impossible.  And with love, kindness, wisdom and my own given freedom of choice, I can create what I tell myself about anything and everything my senses experience and process.   I can open my life to miracles and being marvelous.

Content –  “that which may be perceived in something” Dictionary

May you be aware of the content you are creating and meeting with and through your mind. 

Let the content be uplifting and joyful as you create it and allow it to be a part of your thoughts, feelings and reactions.

May you witness your ‘best of’ content; as often and as much as possible.

Live through the truth, trust and love that is your reality in each moment.  Look around, open up and breathe the wholeness of You.

Excel at being fully present and loving You.

Let your true colors breathe how You experience life within, around and about yourself, mindful of the content you are presenting and being presented.

May you choose what is your most authentic and self-supportive way.   

May you choose the way(s) that are most loving and of value.