The presence and prevalence of Cosmic Duality is the loudest and lit it has ever been.
It is You. It is Me. It is Earth. It is the Universe.
It is Yin/Yang; Light/Dark; Feminine/Masculine.
May we all invite our love within to participate without.
The intertwining of everything that is awaits our acceptance as we cannot know one without the other.
This is the way of the human experience. Yours. Mine. Ours.
The duality of opposites. The duality of making a decision. The duality of our thoughts on one subject or matter. It can be like the good angel and the bad angel on each shoulder.
Too many possibilities; decisions; items and things to choose from and where to land, so to speak.
May You relax into yourself knowing that this is the journey and you are beyond prepared and qualified to make it til the end and, perhaps, just maybe, beyond.
May we meet more at the interconnection of this duality, where light and dark meet, rather than at the far edges of each one.
Condensing life to the greatest expansion of everyone thriving like never before. Bringing togetherness from chaos into peace. Knowing ease choosing the choice that is best for us in each moment. Letting love provoke us and not worry.
And so it is.
The truest, best and most authentic version of You…. It is an inside job. Get. It. On. Let. It. Out.