Colors matter.  A color palette can show the meaning and vibrations around and in each color.

Some colors can pick us up and invigorate us, like yellow and red.

Green is the healing color to include balance and peace.  Gold can be about wisdom, enlightenment and the greatest healing of all – love.

Blues can be about a number of things depending on the shade.  Many of us know that to ‘feel blue’ is to feel down.  Light blue can represent friendly and refreshing.  Dark blues are strong and reliable.  There is a calmness that can come from blue as well.  Maybe, feeling down is necessary for some wonderful and/or real reasons… May you love yourself honestly through.  

If you are drawn to a color or even drawn to a piece of clothing to wear that is a certain color, go for it.  Honor it.  Wear it.  Play with it.  It just may be your innate wisdom helping you out; taking you forward.

There were many blues in the sky and sea today.  The clouds were multiple colors of blues and whites.  The water was showing me many contrasts of the color blue.

Today I found myself emotionally experiencing much of what blue can represent.  Yet, I was wearing brown.  Brown can be about reliability and strength.  It can be about loneliness and isolation.  It often represents Earth and Nature; it can be grounding.

When you find yourself ‘blue’, may you be open to noticing the beauty that may be present also; within You and around You; through You.  

It is not often that we have a whole bad day, perhaps.  It is often that we can have bad moments.  Yet, how is it that the same type of moment for one of us can feel ‘bad’.  And for another of us, the same situation can feel ‘good’.

May you be aware of what you are really feeling and experiencing.  May you notice that we can stay stuck in a feeling.  In awareness, perhaps, we can feel many things in one moment as we allow our feelings to flow through us.  May you notice if you are able to ‘watch’ your feelings come and go.

May you color your life.  May you live your true colors.  May you accept what is as your truth rises and is called into play.

Your life is full of color.  You are full of color.  There are so many colors between black and white.

May you explore and experience all the colors that life has to offer.

May you notice what is beautiful inside of You and for You when you experience ‘the blues’.