When we open ourselves up to what Christmas Spirit is to ourselves, we open up to the Christmas that is best experienced for You.

Perhaps, like we are taught to look a certain way, be a certain way; anti-aging is a hugely used word, inflammation and microbiome is very popular; hustle and bustle and wanting everything ‘right’ can be a goal of many… Perhaps, we live in/through much of what we learn and are taught instead of through instinct and wisdom.

May you ask yourself what is the Spirit of Christmas for You; are you living it; presenting it; being it…

What you are doing.., is it enjoyable, fun, self-loving and kind.  Are you doing things because you want to or because you have to…

Is there one or a few things that may be on your ‘have to’ list that you can put on your ‘want to’ list… Are there ‘have to’ items that can be crossed off.  Is there something that you’ve always wanted to add to your ‘want to’ list but just never have…

To me, the Christmas Spirit is my open heart, my truth of where I find myself/how I find myself each year and letting my love, light, joy, peace and truth create the Christmas that I most enjoy.

Peace. Coziness. Dress in what feels good to me.  Gratitude of all that I am blessed with.  A desire to share in the blessings that touch each person’s life and hearts that I encounter and connect to.  Oh what fun is is to experience.

With young kids, I did it one way.  With grown kids, I do it another.  Love is all ways, always.  Open to love living through the wisdom of our truth — oh what a merry Christmas it makes.

May you let your open heart and truth, of where you see yourself and how you know yourself this season, create the very merriest of Christmas’s from the beloved beingness that is you(rs).

Wishing you crystal clarity as to what is your best nature to support this season.