How You doin’?.?

Vibes.  We all vibe differently for different reasons at different times.  Most of us enjoy the high full of luster vibes.  Most of us have experienced low lack of luster vibes from time to time.  Maybe more so now during these ever-changing times, growth, so much unknown and the fear of all of this.  We can stay in our high vibin’ state by choice by opening up our awareness; being mindful; choosing what we offer to our self.  We can settle into it and open up to it – invite and create it.

It is, perhaps, a good idea to check in with ourselves and be the observer of what is going on with ourselves.  How are we feeling…  What are we thinking… How are we treating our self… What are we telling our self.

Awareness comes first.  Once we are aware of what is going on with/within us, we can step out or away from it, and regroup/reset and invite and create different and anew or we can bask in the awesome and the favorable that is already present.  We also have the choice of allowing and embracing exactly where we are and filling ourselves up with love, self-kindness and genuine compassion.

May You check in with yourself often… and from a favorable point of view; an honest point of view; an awareness of mindfulness that we are not our thoughts and reactions.  We can choose to be the observer of our thoughts and reactions.

You are this empowered.  Use it awesome one. !!  The Power of YOU.