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Hearts and Heaven

Hearts and Heaven

Oh what an ‘interesting’ world we live in just now.  The growth, consciousness, change and stagnancy of what is, what was and what will become.   Being human can be a real trip.  From moment to moment, the trials, the triumphs, the feelings, the thoughts.  We are vested, invested and exploring our depths, wisdom, lessons […]

‘Say You Say Me’

‘Say You Say Me’

Say You for always.  “Say it together, naturally”…   Hoot. Lionel Richie. He sure has a career, an image; is iconic and going strong. I must have played his album “Can’t Slow Down” a million times on high volume serious levels.  It reached deep inside of me and gave me all the feels.   I […]



There is so much to be thankful for.  There is always something to be grateful for. Perhaps, just for today, or starting today, look for things you are grateful for; things in your life you appreciate. It can be something beautiful you see or experience.  It can be a contact with a stranger.  It can […]



I have recently been going through saved items; meaningful things [to me] that I have saved since I was a child.  Oh yes, these things are decades to half a century old. Yikes and how fun. Reliving the memories of the stuff I have collected, held onto for the reasons I did. From fun girlfriend […]



Embrace.  Embrace.  Embrace Yourself. Your uniquness.   Your life.   Your thoughts.  Your pain.   Your moments.  The experience of Being You. As you choose to embrace yourself and the ‘what is’ that is current in the flow of your life, well, your life flows better. Embrace the things You love.  Embrace the things You […]



Many of us are still somewhat raw from these past few years.   The majority of us have been forever changed.  There has been change, challenge, love and growth.  There has been hurt, help, love and growth.  There are questions, explorations, love and growth.  There is pain, awareness, love and growth. There are new views, […]

What’s Up

What’s Up

The unknown is so loud just now.  The unique is coming alive.  What was is just that.  What is now is just now.  What will be is becoming. There is new in every day.  A wide array of new, anew, creating, learning, becoming and experiencing. I may not know much currently.  I know how I […]

Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

The temperature here in Southeast Florida in America is 87°, feels like 102°F; 38.889°C.   Hott stuff.   I am feeling the lazy days of summer.   This feels like ‘Wow’, I am surprised again and again each time I experience the heavy heat. I think many of us humans can be surprised or taken […]



May you check in with ‘self’; your self.    Change and information is coming at us, to us, for us at at a brisk, almost constant, usually new and, often, inindblowing ways.  Many of us are being asked (forced) to change. It is important to me to mourn my old self as I enter this […]



Limbo.  And not the dance… I have been moving, literally, for over six weeks now. Moving from high above the intercoastal waterway with a fabulous view to my house behind a gate with lush landscaping, beautiful fountains, comfort and many wonderful amenities. A gate I have lived behind off and on, seasonal and year round […]