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Multitudes Shall Bec...

Multitudes Shall Become One

Our World.  Your World.  My World. Our world has surely gotten connected in ways it has never, ever, ever been connected before.  Woah.  The amount of information, the possibilities of connections, the ability to network – Woah! Not one of us know how.  Not one of us have ever lived this before.  Not one of […]



The beauty of life within You.  The beauty of life outside of You.  There is always beauty to be seen, discovered, explored, and lived in and through. Even in chaos and hardships, if we look and open to the beauty of life, it is there.  Sometimes, it is only a tiny sliver, sometimes it as […]



Earth Day – a celebrated world wide holiday.  Every time something happens positive for the earth, something positive happens for our loved ones, ourselves and total strangers. We are supported by the Earth.  We can ground to it, we can float and cleanse on and within it, we can be nurtured by the nature of […]



The Promise.   The promise of fascination in each day.  The promise of life and living when we wake up to another day.  The promise that there will be lessons, challenges, wins, awesomeness and a multitude of life living moments. I am learning, loudly today, that the promises to one’s self are maybe the most […]



Contrast…  [balance, differentiate, match up, be diverse]. We can sometimes be afraid of what we know nothing about.  When we are doing new things; things and experiences for the first time, they can feel challenging.  They can feel scary even with a side of excitement.  We can be unsure and tread with apprehension.  Our awareness […]



Stormy moments.  Stormy times.  Stormy days.  Stormy skies.  Stormy land.  Storms. We all witness and experience them.  They are a part of life. May you be true to You and love yourself through any and all storms; as much and as often as possible.   You will get to the other side.  Fact is that you have […]



My daughter sent me this picture of a ‘campfire’ her friends and her were having.  I think it is so pretty, magical and alive that I want to share it with You.  I especially love the embers against the dark blue sky.  I made a wish.  If you want to or feel like it, perhaps, […]



There is light.  There is dark.  Many, not all, of us label light as good; dark as not.  I have labeled upbeat and happy good, down and out not so good frequently in the past. It is my goal to still love, still know I can be helpful and know I am enough whatever mode […]



Life.   It is happening now.   You living your life is happening now. As so much change is happening now, many of us are overwhelmed with life and living not being as simplistic as we knew it to be before we ‘progressed’ with and into the Worldwide Web. I have heard it say that we are […]

Love is Magic

Love is Magic

Love is magic. The magic is in You. May you fill up every cell with your own love. May you walk your path and leave a trail of your own magic.  Let love lead You. May you live in and from your own Love. Share love.  Feel love.  Allow love.  Invite love.  Be love.  Choose […]