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When you smile, your brain releases neuropeptides to help fight off stress.  Other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are released too. Endorphins act as a pain reliever.  Serotonin acts like an antidepressant. And, all we need do is Smile.  Smiling offers happiness.  Smiling is contagious.  Smiling is good for the heart.  A smile […]



Dream. Imagine. See. Create. Your life.  Your reaction.  Your way. As we look for the beautiful, (what is beautiful to us) we see it. !! Beauty is all around us; in things we do; people we connect to; and things we dream. Beauty is in us.  From the depth of who we are; the truth […]



As I woke up this morning and found myself in an uncomfortable place of feeling a bit insecure and a lot uncertain as to the next step I wanted and could imagine myself taking, I realized that It is okay to be unsure.. not in the ‘know’ in this moment.  It is ok to letting […]



Magic.  The magic of life.  The magic of nature.  The magic of connection.  Your love is magic. If one looks for magic, one will certainly find it. Magic — fascination; alchemy; enchantment; divination; hocus pocus; magnetism. I wish you fascinating, enchanting, divine, wow, magnetic and beautifully transforming experiences through you honoring You. The magic of […]

New Dawn

New Dawn

If you can imagine it, you can dream it. If you can dream it, you can create it. If you create it, you will live it…  It all depends on You. ‘It’ being the life You live. I know this is very much like a popular poem/saying that has been around for a long time.  […]



‘Clean eating’.  You know it when you don’t feel ‘heavy’ after eating.   Clean eating. You know it if you eat the colors of the rainbow.  It is the food that is not processed.  The food that is described with one or two ingredients and ingredients one can read and say.  If it comes from the […]

Vibrate Love

Vibrate Love

I’d like to offer for You to breathe…  Breathe deeply in filling your stomach up like a balloon.  Hold your breath…   And, as you release your breathe gently, slowly all the way to empty, relax into your body and look for any tension and let it go.  Do this as many times as you feel […]



As I ‘shut down’ for the day last night, I realized that I did some things during the day that were extra enjoyable to me.  One being the purchase of these flowers in the picture associated with this post.  They truly made me smile, feel good and had me doing a bit of a happy […]



The sky last night where the sun was setting was magical, beautiful, orange, yellow, red and deeply Wow. ! As I was doing my thing – taking way more pictures than probably necessary, I realized that what I am seeing through my lens all depended on where my lens was shooting.  I often take a […]

Dark Light

Dark  Light

Mindfulness and awareness are more conscious behaviors than not.  To be fully mindful (open) and present in every step we take can take practice.  To be aware is to be the watcher; the seer, the seeker. What makes us who we are…  What is it that we see automatically or first…  Where does our mind […]