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Have you ever heard of the saying ‘your head is in the clouds’? Perhaps, it is ok to have your head in the clouds from time to time.  There is much beauty there.  There is magic.  There is nature and innate natural wisdom.  There is flow. Clouds find themselves in the north, south, east and […]



“I own my Awesome.  I love what I am awesome at.   I am grateful for what is gifted to me through and from deep within myself.” Each one of us has some and/or something that creates and is awesomeness.   I believe it presents itself and as we are able to claim it, it […]



I so hoped to come up with a cool way of sharing what I am certified in; trained in; have learned; and have experienced. I don’t want to feel uncomfortable sharing this as uncomfortable can come up for me when I think about ‘tooting my own horn’. [Toot. Toot.] I do know it’s important to […]



It is 11:30 pm.  It is hot and humid outside.  This red light blinks ‘on’ every four (4) seconds.  It took me over 20 pictures to capture it lit up. If you believe you can do it, You can. Times/Things may feel unknown, secretive, hidden or far off.  And, the truth inside of You knows […]



Portals – Gateways to new places, new ways, new thinking, new being, new doing, new life, new (parts/pieces of) You. The word Abracadabra has been known to represent “I create as I speak”. There is energy in our words.  Our bodies and cells listen to every thought we think.  They respond to them in truth; […]



We often find ourselves saying ‘forever’.   Forever in love.  To care forever.  Forever in my heart.  Forever together.  Forever matters. However, the only real time we can live in is now. When we think of the future, we sometimes include forever.  When we think of feelings, we often think of forever.  When we wish for […]



Wisdom.  Knowledge.  Gut Instinct.  Feelings.  Thoughts. We are all driven by our own unique understanding and connection to life and everything that we have experienced, desired, been driven by and/or curious about.  What we were born into.  What we fell into.  What became a passion.  What shows up as a reason. We know things.  Sometimes […]



May you let the real You come through in everything you do. Perhaps, this is how fulfillment within grows. We experience and know fulfillment when we are living from the truth deeply and fully within ourselves.  When what is inside of us matches what we show outside of ourselves.  When what we share, feel, and […]

Where I’m At

Where I’m At

For years previous to this, I would post a “Where I’m At” post every now and then in this blog (which started off in my “Be U” blog on – just to be open, to be true and to share/be Me in my goal to encourage You to be You. I haven’t done […]

Endings are also Beg...

Endings are also Beginnings

The sun sets. The daylight ends. The night begins.  As things end, new things begin.  Again and again and again.  This is the process of life.  The natural process.  You are life. As I have had the pleasure of watching many sunsets recently, I am reminded of the flow of life; the flow of nature; […]