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State of Mind

State of Mind

I am used to believing that blue skies are the most beautiful of days.   I am learning that any day is beautiful if I believe it to be so.  I believe it to be so. Paradise is a state of mind.  I wish for you this mindful state of what can be and what […]

Reiki / Energy Work

Reiki / Energy Work

I am a Certified Reiki II Practitioner Energy work excites me.  Everything is energy. Sensing.   Feeling.   Open to.  Laying on of Hands. Blocked Energy.  Moving of Energy to support and create Alignment, Balance, Body Self Awareness, Tapping in Deeply (Attunement)  and Intentions Distance Reiki Massage of many different modalities such as Myofascial Release, Swedish, […]

5 of Elder

5 of Elder

Today I worked with a terrific coach.  How lucky and blessed I feel. I was feeling mentally tired at the top of the session.  I shared this.  I have gotten very good at sharing what pops into my mind and listening, feeling and discussing same.  It seems to offer the most authentic outcome possible. Before […]

Magic Moments

Magic Moments

Magic is everywhere.  May you look for it. It is up above.  It is down under.  It is in the sky.   It is in our earth.  It brings peace.  It brings joy. It is an experience waiting for you to participate with as such. May you let magic be reflected in many things you feel, […]

Life Anew

Life Anew

Perhaps, now is not the time to concern yourself about following your normal routine. Life is different from anything we have ever known or experienced before.  You are, possibly, different too. Do what feels right at the time, in the here and now, in the circumstance and/or situation you are experiencing.  Do You now from […]

Certified Personal T...

Certified Personal Trainer

I am a Certified Personal Trainer since 1991.  I started with IDEA Fitness Association and American Council on Exercise (ACE) in 1989.  I have taken bi-yearly classes consecutively since. I am an IDEAfit+ member and a certified member of ACE.  I had my own fitness business near Atlantic City, NJ and worked in the school […]

Process of You

Process of You

It is not unusual, especially during these times, where we can find ourselves tired; physically, mentally, and/or emotionally.  We can want to do something and we find we don’t.  The energy isn’t present to push us forward or to make it happen. This is when in the ‘beingness’ of You can be most productive. This […]

Celebrate You

Celebrate You

You are the only one you spend your entire life with.  You are the only one that knows and feels ‘you’ in the way that you do. You were present when you were developing inside of your (birth) mother’s womb.  You were present when you were born.  You were present during all your school years […]



The sunshine makes many of us happy.  It can warm us.  It can brighten our mood.  It can shine bright.  It can light up our world.  It even provides Vitamin D. A sunrise is a beautiful reminder of a new day; new beginnings; rising up. A sunset is a beautiful reminder of the end of […]

Certified Life Coach

Certified Life Coach

I am a Certified Life Coach since 2015. I am a member of IFC, the International Federation of Coaching. I have taken classes in neuroplasticity (changing the brain) and cognitive thinking (changing thoughts);  Brain Training Techniques; Feedback Training I have studied Cranial Sacral I and II, SomatoEmotional Release Breathwork Meditation for Eating, Walking, Doing, Being, […]