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Condense to Expand

Condense to Expand

The presence and prevalence of Cosmic Duality is the loudest and lit it has ever been. It is You.  It is Me.  It is Earth.  It is the Universe. It is Yin/Yang; Light/Dark; Feminine/Masculine. May we all invite our love within to participate without.   The intertwining of everything that is awaits our acceptance as […]

Scleroderma Certifie...

Scleroderma Certified

I am looking at this as my last ‘certification’ (about myself) to share.   I think it is a good (albeit vulnerable) truth to share with you so I can, deeply, share all of me; all about me with You. I have already individually posted, on this Blog, my Certifications as a Personal Trainer; a Life […]

Into You

Into You

Journey into the depth of You.  Light the fire that awaits there. When you do what you love, you connect to the joy and the masterpiece that is You.  It can also feel like you master peace within your beingness.  This is the difference, perhaps, between living and thriving.  It is my belief that we […]

IDEA World Lifestyle

IDEA World Lifestyle

I recently participated in the Virtual IDEA World Conference 2021.  Wow.  A bunch of awesome, up-to-date information, research, energy and amazing people and sessions.  It went for 3 full days, Pacific Time.  For me, on Eastern USA Time, it was 10:15 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (approximately) each day. Whew, I am so glad I attended.  […]



There is always room to grow and do more.  It is a fine thing to plan, dream, decide, create, keep going and be productive; to look forward. And, it is also a fine thing to bask in all that has come true and has been positive for/through You.  You’ve done a lot and have achieved […]



What we ‘see’ is what we see.  How we process what we see defines and creates how we feel. Each of us can look at the same thing and a lot of the time we can see it differently than one another.  One day I can look at something and see one thing.  The next […]

Light Along the Hori...

Light Along the Horizon

The light along the horizon…. You are light.  Living in your truth fully, openly, lovingly… Meeting yourself where you are is the source of power and empowerment that shines our humanness forth and our love to grow.  Individually, together – we survive and thrive. ‘Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.  It […]

Light Show

Light Show

My 4th of July was celebrated with a Human/Nature Light Show.   It was remarkable. We had fireworks across the horizon and Mother Nature provided her own across the sky. Talk about synchronicity.  I like it. When life flows and we can find different, interesting things in many moments.  When we flow and we produce who […]

Morning Time Awakeni...

Morning Time Awakening

Morning sunrise. Clouds and contrast.  Points of view.  Color.  Reflection.  Unique.  Natural.  Authentic.  Solid.  Yet transparent. We can learn a lot by nature.  The nature in our world.  Our own nature. When we step into each moment fully present and aware, we step into the nature of the moment exactly as it is being shown […]

Deep Truth(s)

Deep Truth(s)

In the depth of great discomfort, perhaps, there is truth just waiting to come out. I have been experiencing discomfort, frustration, irritability and a feeling of being antsy.  I realize that there is a truth within me that I am not aligned with what is inside of me and what I am doing on the […]