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What if I told you that you are complete just the way You are..  You are whole.  You are perfectly imperfect just like each and every one of us; here and now. Being human does not mean that everything goes our way and that there is no pain nor [what can most certainly feel like] […]

Real U

Real U

Go deep into the reality of your life… Open to the truth(s) in your life.  Live from the truth inside of you.   Perhaps, we are being asked (forced) to lean into the reality of who we are, how we feel, what we are and open up and love the realness and wholeness of same.  […]

Heal th

Heal th

I read and see much about healing and health.  Vitamins and minerals.  Dis-ease and struggles.  Drugs and alternatives.  So many different ‘diet’ plans.  Make-up and cover-ups.   I have been living in a society that tells me I am not fine as I am.  I need this product or that experience.  I need more.   […]



We all could use some help through life and loving.   It’s not always easy to ask for help for myself.  I can feel like a bother, feel too vulnerable and not want to hear ‘no’ when I do ask.    These are childhood incidences, along with my self, that have taught me to feel […]



Honor your truth. Honor your life. Honor your love. Honor your dreams. Honor your ‘now’ as this and each moment is.   See and feel life through your own honor, respect, love, truth and trust.   Honor from deep down inside of You.  Fill every cell with honor.  Feel your honor come up from inside […]



As I wake up to rain this morning, I am happy.  The sound of the rain’s music. The happiness of the land, trees and flowers getting replenished.  The sight of the raindrops dancing in the pool staccata-like. The freshness of a cleanse.  The joy of a downpour of goodness.   Anytime we tap into ourselves, […]



Messy.   That is what life, our world and my own experiences and those of others, I am witnessing.  Messy. We are, just maybe, living in some extra messy moments and times. What isn’t messy is honoring what you are experiencing and feeling.  Don’t write it off, discard, bury or disengage completely.  What you are experiencing […]



The balance of life is in the totality of our entire lifetime, perhaps.   We keep walking thru the sunshine, storms, rainbows and wind.   To fully experience all that shows up in our world is to know the totality of who we are.    The energies showing up and the energies that make us […]



What makes you happy…. Do that.  Go there.  Follow it.  Feel it. Allow it.  Invite it.  Create it. May you know what makes you happy and get you some; as often and as much as possible.   If you are not sure, play around with some ideas and/or thoughts.  Try new and old things.   […]