The skies have been extra entertaining and deeply colorful recently. I’m grateful to see pictures of all the beautiful colors from the fall leaves on the trees in the northern states. It is a most beautiful time of year. The reds, yellows, purples and oranges. The bright vibrant colorful leaves ‘snowing’ and ‘floating’ down from […]
Lifeline – “A vital line of access or communication” I have needed/wanted many lifelines through my lifetime thus far. Friends, family, work, play, love, faith, nature have blessed me, many times, with great pleasures. My connections and connected to my feelings have driven me and uplifted me wondrously and gratefully. My experiences and beliefs have […]
What is fun or funny to one is not always fun or funny to others. While visiting my beautiful, precious, wonderful daughter I saw something I would have never ever thought of and these people’s creativity gave me laughter and a hoot every time I passed their mailbox. With creativity, even mailboxes can be fun(ny). […]
Ch Ch Ch Changes
Changes. Changes here. Changes there. Changes Changes everywhere. Serious stuff. Great stuff. Trying stuff. Difficult stuff. Big stuff. Little Stuff. Sometimes tons of little stuff. Open to stuff. Let go of stuff. Create stuff. I am stuffed. Ha. Throughout the day, I am realizing the stuff that is different in many of our every day […]
Colors Blue
Colors matter. A color palette can show the meaning and vibrations around and in each color. Some colors can pick us up and invigorate us, like yellow and red. Green is the healing color to include balance and peace. Gold can be about wisdom, enlightenment and the greatest healing of all – love. Blues can […]
What we pay attention to grows. May you pay attention to what you wish to see grow. This reminds me when purchasing a new brand of car, every where I looked I saw this type of car. When I was concerned about an exact thing going off-course, it often did. When I saw a situation […]
Life. Who’d have thunk it that we would have experienced what we have and are experiencing more and more as a whole ‘New World’ (new way of life) than ever before. I know a few, including myself, that believe(d) we were going to experience a ‘oneness’, a togetherness, a more united front than ever before […]
Too much information (TMI). Here. There. Everywhere. My brain is on overload. I find it not so easy to process all the information that is available to me here and now. A constant bombardment of information is swirling around, available at our fingertips 24/7, comes through conversation with our family and friends and even from far […]
Surprise Yourself
Oh the things we can do that we are not open to do, that we think we can’t do, that we just don’t want to, and the things that we are just used to doing.. We human beings do. Oh the things we can do when life sets it up that there is no other […]
Most of us are, now, living life worldwide. Worldwide shipping. Worldwide meetings. Worldwide Connection. Worldwide energies. Worldwide knowledge. We have had a worldwide tragedy. We have experienced a worldwide loss. We are still experiencing the experiences of this worldwide pandemic. If there can be a tragedy worldwide, can there not be a worldwide peace epidemic… […]