“The struggle is real.” And we can so support ourselves. Pain is our bodies way of telling us something is wrong or we are not in full alignment or can be something that demands our attention to lead us in another direction. We are living in a world, today, that is not fully and easily […]
As I accept what is I realize my strength and feel my truth. It is through acceptance and calm that I am most able to take my next [best] step forward through my own peace and love. The power of acceptance and being real in ‘what is’ will bring us ‘home’ to our best and […]
(k)New Growth
I find myself in quite a different place lately. I do not have a lot to say and feel the desire to surround myself with and allow and invite in quietude. I find myself going way back with thoughts popping up of people, times, songs, encounters and emotions of days -decades really – gone by. […]
Imagine this… YOU doing what feels happiest, most joyful, fun and balanced to You. Just what if when we are feeling ‘ugh’ or ‘yikes’ or ‘blah’ we look at it as we are not doing what aligns with our soul. We are doing more from our minds – through our thoughts that were created through […]
Speak Your Truth
I often say ‘speak your truth’. ‘This is my truth.’ We are so living in our truth whether we acknowledge the fullness of it or not. I so believe it is best to live it out loud through as much trust and love as possible. When I say to speak your truth, it is not […]
Best Way
Truth. Trust. Love. Your truth. Your trust. Your love. Live in it. Live through it. Live it out loud. Carry it. Indulge it. Portray it. Perhaps, your best way is through. Though your truth of what you feel; what you experience; the truth of You. The most important trust you can carry and […]
“For our own success to be real, it must contribute to the success of others.” Eleanor Roosevelt I would like to bring this up to modern times and through my own heart and wisdom. I would like to offer “For our own success to be realized, it is best when it contributes to the success […]
Interior Design
There is a new ‘Interior Design’ thing going on in our world. Every single one of us has the capacity and ability to customize our own life and create a new and self-expressive and self-loving persona from the inside out. Our wisdom is strongest within us in peace, love, banter and grace. Trauma within […]
Greatest Win of All
Praying for peace to be a part of each of us. May we know our blessings and be open to being guided. What we can do and be best is Love. Send love not worry. Think love first. Feel your own love. Let your love. Speak from love. Walk in love. Open to love. Trust […]
Merry You. Merry Me. Merry Us. Merry because we believe in something larger than our self. Merry because we have a choice to believe. Merry because we have things that are enjoyable in our life to be grateful for. Merry because we love. Merry because we are loved. There is one person (or more) in […]