This morning as I was waking, I thought to myself how amazing it would be if there was a ‘medicine’ I could take to Just Be Me. Pure me. Freedom to be just me, as I am, with no hesitation. Myself; through self-love. Myself; in truth. To be myself and open to the joy, […]
Experience You
I have always felt that my posts and the words on each post come through me from something larger and more than myself. I started this blog hearing ‘start a blog’ when I wasn’t sure what a blog was. I knew nothing about creating and building a blog. I’d like to offer that as you read my […]
Hello Is It You You’
With each day comes new things. Enjoyable things. Growth things. Changing things. Sometimes tragic things. Amazing things. It seems to be what most of us know that this is the experience of what life is. Things in each of our lives that create and encourage feelings, thoughts, reactions, productivity, relationships and an opportunity to watch […]
Stop hurting yourself (if you are). If you are hurting from your thoughts, from your reactions, from things you are doing, from long time habits or ways, from not living through your truth and pushing it aside or burying it deep or making things up. Stop. You have the power. Add help and/or support to […]
Chill and Relax. Relax and Chill. I like to give myself time to relax and chill; to chill and relax. Our encounters are different in many ways since 2020. I am different. You may be different. Many are different. Life shows differently. I found a comfort in my seclusion of 2020 for the most part. […]
I come here not knowing what I am going to say or share. There is nothing wanting to come through so strongly that I am ready to type away and blog to. It is getting darker later and I really enjoy watching the daylight expand with each day that passes by. There was just a […]
Be. Alter. Heal.
May you listen to your body. Relax into it. As you relax your body and breathe into and through it and you turn your mind to just this [only this], we get out of its way (our own way) and we invite it to heal itself. Open to your body’s homeostasis (balance and stability). May you […]
Being Truly You
It is much easier for me to share positive and honest posts of living with what is and accepting what is and loving ourselves through. In truth, life does not always and it is not supposed to be (maybe) what feels best and always in da flow of goodness. Always ‘good’ is not my experience. […]
It feels to me as if there is an earth’s pendulum and it is just now swinging far to where it has never gone before. It swings in relation to how our whole world is touched by life like never before. What used to happen over there, I didn’t feel or associate with it like […]
Ooh la la
“The most powerful determinant of who you are is inside you,”. From the book “Educated” by Tara Westover. Go there. Love there. Expand there. Explore there. Live from there. May you let your care, curiosity, gentleness and instinct flow with You. Bring these into every situation, circumstance, relationship, and idea that you encounter as your […]