World – “Any complex whole conceived as resembling the universe” dictionary The World is yours, mine, ours. All living things. Humans, Animals, Plants. Water, Land, Sky. Our World. Our Universe. From over there to here – From here to over there.. “We Are The World”. Quincy Jones/Michael Omartian, Producers. Oh Boy. It is quite the world just […]
Who You Are
You were born to be. To Be U. The you that you feel and know inside. The you that thinks, sees, experiences. The watcher of you thinking, seeing, feeling, The you that is You. May you know and be who you are through your own internal guidance. Each of us is unique. Sure, we […]
I find myself challenged by some of the foods I am currently choosing to eat. Comfort foods with sugar and/or fat. I’m reaching for the easy. I am reaching for a ‘fix’. I know that when I’d rather have something (too often) that is not the best choice, I am not eating because I am […]
Moment in Time
We all have our stories. We all are living our lives. We all have experiences. We are all human. Our stories, lives, experiences of ‘being’ are all moments in time. We have our past, our present and our future. Life can only be lived in this and each moment forward. Yet, our pasts can have […]
“I like to move it move it.” Happy March. May you march into your best body. I have three words on the bottom of every email I send out. They are “Breathe. Stretch. Smile.” If you already move your body, you are using your breath and increasing oxygen in your body. I want to believe […]
What If
What if I sat with what feels painful to me and love myself through… What if I wrote a letter to what is painful to me… What if I rethink something that is bothersome to me… What if I stay present to the truth within myself… Can I say kind things to myself… Can I […]
Clarity – “Certainty. Accuracy. Precision. Purity.” Be clear about yourself. Be clear about your intentions. Be clear about your desires, dreams and what works for You and what does not. Be clear to yourself first. Then bring this clarity into everything you do, share, are and experience. Being clear gives us a better picture of […]
Cup Runneth Over
Our cup. Our calling. Our reason for being. Our joy. Our service. What makes us feel most productive; most us. I love. I share. I embody humanness through my soul and my spirit. I feel. I care. I want inclusivity and togetherness. Health and Wellness. Body, Mind and Spirit. Being present. As this is […]
You Are Your Sunshin...
Shine on Beautiful You. Shine On. You. You are the only one like You. You are the one that creates the experience of You. You choose. You feel. You witness. You breathe. You respond. You are. You. I am the one that responds to my surroundings. You are the one that responds to your surroundings. […]
I am going with the flow and the flow can feel so roiled, stirred up and/or disturbed. The flow of life is feeling quite roiled in this moment to me. The flow is every where and in every thing. There is a plentitude of change going on. I am open to honoring this change and […]