It is always a good time to breathe and to be aware that you are.  Breathe deeply into your belly.  In and out. In and out.  Expanding and contracting.   Relax into yourself.  Fill yourself up with oxygen.  Fill yourself up with your love.

From the top of your head to the tips of your toes.   Breathe.  Love.  Relax into You.   Let your body be heavy and be completely supported by whatever is underneath you.

Relax your shoulders.  Relax your jaw.  Breathe.

Feel your blood healthy and oxygen enriched flowing freely and easily throughout your body.  Thank your organs for doing such extraordinary work on their own and in harmony together.  Smile at the awe and wonder of it and You.  Honor what is working.  Send extra love to what may not be at 100%.

Thank your ‘bodymap’ with all its specifications and immense knowledge of your beautiful physicality and function.  Your muscles that move you.  The connection with your brain and your body to give and receive messages through the roadmap that is You(rs).  The cells rejuvenate themselves and do so many things that include the mitochondria where energy is made and processed.

How miraculous You are.  Breathe and, perhaps, offer great universal and self-gratitude.

I have heard it say that we are the ‘watcher’ of our thoughts and what we do.   We surely can be.

May you get out of your own way and let You happen with the ease, wisdom, flow, truth, trust, life and living of You.  Just Be yoU in your God given, creator given, universal support of the majestic-ness of your life.

May you breathe deep and know that You Are.   

Everything else is a bonus.

Your journey.  Your joys.   Your knowledge.  Your passion(s).   Your experiences.   Your growth.  Your being.  Your doing.   Your wins.   Your lessons.   You happening.   You-rah.  Hoo-rah.  Hell Yes.  You.

Now go get on with your day and may you not forget to play.

You are the one you’ve been looking for.  You are the one that knows you best.  You are the one.

You are the only one that you spend your entire life with.  Now that is something to honor and is regal.  ‘august’.

May you be the person you greatly enjoy to be around; as much and as often as possible.