When you are feeling anything that may not be your best or most favorite place to ‘land’ your emotions and/or feelings, just maybe, you can give yourself the gift to just breathe; just be.

In this silence and awareness of breathing and being, an answer or more may arise from deep within you.  And, if there is no answer waiting for your attention just now, you will still find yourself in a better place than anxiousness, nervousness, confusion or other.

Breathing deep and being light is a beautiful gift that is always available to us if we choose it to be so.

Chaos cannot live in your awareness of your breath or your conscious decision to just be.

May you, sometimes, just breathe and be… Perhaps, here; now. 

Breathe and Be.  Just breathe.  Just be.  U.

Reset.  Level Up.  Let Love.  You matter.  Check in.  Give yourself a break/a moment.

‘Just because’ You choose You.

This is where living is best lived at times.