In the boundless grasping of change, perhaps, we are asked to go internally where there are boundless answers to living our own lives.
When it gets too uncomfortable to remain the same, seek not outside of yourself. Seek within.
We are born with everything we need to live this entire life that is our own. We share life best when we live truly free to state and to share who we are through our experiences and knowledge. This is the greatest wisdom to live through.
You being You is the greatest gift to share.
Through truth, trust, vulnerability and openness, we create and offer the world to live the same. As One. In Wholeness.
In this Oneness of being our unguarded, unique, and wise self we allow the flow of total truth to raise us onward, upward and forward instead of swallowing us whole.
It is in not being our true selves, that ‘work’ occurs as frustration, manipulation, confusion and more.
In being You, life flows as it is meant to and self-acceptance is the win.
For You, for Me, for Us, for All.
May you know thyself, befriend thyself, be thyself and live thyself.
Loving truth reigns us free and unbinds us from being anything other than what we were/are born to be.
May you grasp all of who and what You are. It is the only change that you can fully, wholly and always participate in free of any planning or outside influence. You being You. You are You. Just let You happen.
Breathe You. Your truth, feelings, whispers, wisdom, knowledge, vulnerability and passions united through your heart, mind, body and soul.