Limbo. And not the dance… I have been moving, literally, for over six weeks now. Moving from high above the intercoastal waterway with a fabulous view to my house behind a gate with lush landscaping, beautiful fountains, comfort and many wonderful amenities. A gate I have lived behind off and on, seasonal and year round […]
Dis Section
I feel many of us are going through our own dissection. Dissection of life as a whole. Dissection of our own life. Dissection of our self. Dissection of thoughts, situations, relationships and our beingness and own doingness. We are finding ourselves studying, examining, researching and taking a closer look and, perhaps, very thorough looks at […]
If you love yourself, let go. Surrender and open your heart, mind and body to your soul. What stays is You and for You. What does not, is not for you as you move forward and become all that you were born to be. What is your calling will keep calling until […]
The status of your life and the way You experience your life can be formed, transfixed, developed and lived through the way that You most want. It is not so much as what is going on, it is most about how we react, respond and ‘see’ what is going on. When I want what is […]
Everyone, here now, reading this is a ‘survivor’. As I write this, I, too, am a survivor. We have 100%, thus far, survived through all we have been shown, experienced, created, given and challenged with. How awesome we are. The word ‘survivor’ can be and is used in many ways. What is most familiar to […]
Achy Breaky Heart
I am not experiencing an ‘achy breaky heart’ just now. I am grateful for this. I am experiencing an achy breaky continuous strength that feels challenging and very real. No matter how many years (30) that I have been studying and exploring the wherewithal of myself, I am human. Humans do not always have it […]
On The Move
We are moving from a high rise on the Waterway inland to a community that we have lived in on and off since the year 2000. We are going “home”. We love it and my husband and I both seem to take a deep sigh every time we pull in the gate. The landscaping is […]
Be. Be Not.
I once read a quote – The biggest war we ever experience is the one between our own head and heart. I find myself thought provoked to consider offering – Do what you know is best for You and not what you are told, shown or read about… unless what is offered to You does […]
Do. Do Not.
Do not do, regularly or by choice, things you just want to get over and/or through. Whatever you find yourself choosing to do, may you consider making the best of it. Do it with patience, willingness. Be in it fully and with as much joy/peace as possible. Perhaps, give yourself permission to not choose it […]
You Are
You are beautiful. You are love(d). You are unique. You were made to be. Honor your uniqueness. Honor what makes You unique. See it. Know it. Live it. Breathe it. Be it. All of the resources. All of nature. All through the cycle of life. And there is only one You. Can life and living […]