Truth. Trust. Love.
Your truth. Your trust. Your love.
Live in it. Live through it. Live it out loud.
Carry it. Indulge it. Portray it.
Perhaps, your best way is through.
Though your truth of what you feel; what you experience; the truth of You.
The most important trust you can carry and be in is your own. Trust that whatever comes your way, you will know what to do when there is something to do. Trust that your truth through your most loving and open way is what will bring you to the best of being You. As you trust yourself, may you know your most gentle strength because you have You through anything and everything.
As each cell, every organ, your energies, your being is filled with your own love, it creates your most loving way(s) now, through and forward. When you are love, life is most clear with your needs, desires, wisdom, magic, and answers.
As you love and let love, it empowers the best of. Flow, knowing, joy, peace. As you love and let love, it overpowers the worst of. Fear, frustration and anger feel different through love.
May you experiment and work/play with your own truth, trust and love.
May you feel, experience, open to, and become best friends with the best of You.
All you need do is live lovingly in the truth, trust and love of You.
Everything You need for this lifetime You were born with. By just being U, the life that calls to You and that you wish for yourself become the most available and real to You to create, design, organize; to build, cultivate and advance into.
May you “Just 9Be U” in your complete truth, complete trust and complete love to You.
May the ease of availability of these three things be in and through every breath you take.