Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  May you be your own best friend.  

You are the only one you spend your entire life with.  May you create the relationship with yourself that you enjoy your own company immensely.

May you be so kind and patient with yourself that it feels like a best friend is always with You.  

When we are happy within, perhaps, all we can share is this happy.

Above are some thoughts that have been swirling within me.  How true they feel to me.  How good it could be for us all to embrace this.

Having our own backs.  Learning what this feels like to embrace this.  As we have our own backs in a  consistent way, it opens so much strength in our own wisdom, instinct, truth and trust.

When I see and feel what this looks and feels like, I want more of it.  It is where I want to always land, so to speak; as often as possible.  

May you open up to your own wisdom, instinct, truth and trust.  These things are what help make you You.  They are some of your greatest strengths.

Everything we need for our lifetime we are born with.  It is internal.  When what is inside of us meets the places of this out in the world, we thrive.  Through our relationships, our professions, our abilities and desires.  

May you connect with who You are through what You feel allowing love to preside as often and as best as possible.

Sometimes we have been our own worst enemy  Introduce yourself to the best friend that you are to others and bring this awesomeness home to You.

Bring it on home to You.. too.