It is much easier for me to share positive and honest posts of living with what is and accepting what is and loving ourselves through.

In truth, life does not always and it is not supposed to be (maybe) what feels best and always in da flow of goodness.  Always ‘good’ is not my experience.

Life can feel hard, difficult, strange and disenchanting.  Hard when I don’t feel good.  Strange when life or what is happening is awkward and/or far from fun.  Disenchanting that no matter what I tell myself or how I look at things, there are moments and situations, relationships with others and self, that just are and feel difficult.

I am not loving the way I feel in this moment and I’d certainly rather feel more pleasant and comforted.  I do not.  I feel irritated and there is an achiness and discomfort that runs throughout my body.

I can tell myself I’m supposed to feel this way and to go with it and love myself through.  That feels good to hear and be open to adapt into.

I can tell myself to wait a bit, I will eventually feel better.

And, I can also feel mad and sad that this is my truth just now and honor my mad and sad.  This too feels ok.

To get lost in the madness and sadness and not send love, light and hope into it, does not feel great to me.

I have ignored these feelings.  I have numbed these feelings.  I have honored these feelings.  I have owned these feelings.  I have really infused myself into these feelings.  I do not think I have ever just fully and wholly let them take me where I (or they) really want to go.

What I would consider anger being out of control or being mean because I am sad is not a place that invites me to feel good about myself.  This is me from and through the experiences of being me.

Sure I have had moments where anger overtakes me and I reach a boiling point.  I have felt sad where feeling lonely and blaming it on being the result of what is outside of myself instead of owning the part of me that creates for myself to feel these things.

And, I vibrate higher and feel best about myself when I can release my anger through ways that are non-threatening or hurtful to myself or other than myself.  I feel best when I let my sadness live out loud and know that it is what it is that I am connecting to inside of myself that is making me sad.

If someone doesn’t like my long hair, it does not affect me because I do.  If someone suggests that I am not a good person, it doesn’t quite affect me, because I know I am.  If someone says you ‘should’ be doing better or different or more — this can affect me because there is something of that that brings me inside of myself and there is a part of me that can believe it and wish and want to do more like I used to; like I think would be great; that I wish that I could do — even when it truly just isn’t any where in my being to do other than what I am.

Connecting to yourself as the true love of your life will bring everything loving into your life.  Being truly You with judgement or through an unloving channel is never ever the best way to walk on.

May you light yourself up.  Love yourself up.  Believe in yourself.  Count on yourself.  Admire Yourself.  as you Truly Be Yourself.   

Not in a way that one person is better than another.  In a way that we each are good enough as we are as we honor who, what, when, where and why through our love, truth, trust and openness of what truly feels genuine, authentic, kind and often so real it can be awesome.

It is okay to not always have good moments or to not always feel good; to honor each moment and all the ways that You feel.

In this, being truly You, honors and uplifts ourselves and all of our lives.

Let it be okay to feel what You feel.  As you honor and let love, our beings know we are greatly supported.

Let it be okay to feel what You feel.  It is okay to be angry and feel irritated.  May you realize this irritation/feeling comes from inside of You as we never react to something that is not present within ourselves.  We cannot be provoked if it is not something that we connect to within ourselves.

Let’s really and truly love our neighbor by living from our own truth, trust, love and wisdom.

May we be guided and led to the best parts of being truly us… in and through all our feelings.

May You be guided and led to the best parts of being truly You…  in and through all your feelings.