I am taking some pictures for my website, lisaungerer.com, and this was a fun one for me to share.  It is my logo which is a heart with the rainbow/chakra colors with a ‘diamond’ placed on top of the “Be U”.  Sun rays are coming from the heart.

It is my greatest desire through “Just 9Be U” to support You to open up to all that You are; to live the life yet inside of You waiting to live.  !!   You matter.  Let love.  Your love.

Always start here at your own openness, truth and love and watch, feel, listen and be..  amazed.

When we are in the flow of our own joy, care, wisdom and truth through love, we are in the flow of the divine and the universe.  We are in the flow of what makes us us.  We are in the flow of who we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to do.

We are living our innate life in which everything we need to do so for our entire lifetime is within us.

May you flow in your own joy, care, wisdom and truth through love; as much and as often as possible.

Bring out the FUN.