I once read a quote – The biggest war we ever experience is the one between our own head and heart.

I find myself thought provoked to consider offering – Do what you know is best for You and not what you are told, shown or read about… unless what is offered to You does feel best for You.

There is a wisdom inside of me that is always at the ready to guide, lead and teach me how I feel and think about everything that comes into my ‘orbit’.   There’s a different energy inside me and of me when I am living from my truth and through the best of me.  When I am experiencing life through an outside source rather than my own inside wisdom I can become irritable, confused and overwhelmed.

I highly value other people’s experiences and thoughts and I enjoy hearing and learning about as much as I can.  I like to come back to myself, through my own inner guidance, before making any decisions or creating any paths for myself to walk in, down and through.

I believe we are all born with our own internal roadmap; with everything we need for this lifetime inside of us.

As we trust the process of our life and trust ourselves to get on, in and through divine timing connected to this roadmap that is unique to us, oh la la, we happen.  Oh do we happen.  I can feel, well, so divine.

May you let You happen through divine timing and internal wisdom with all the experiences, situations, relationships, lessons and knowledge you pick up through your journey that make you You.

Your journey means it is yours.  

May you be open to your journey of everything You.  Let your mind, your heart be open.  Your spirit engaged listening to your soul and your body and becoming One with all that is within your orbit and beyond.

Let your orbit expand and contract.  Let it present through silence and through the truth of all that you feel, experience, dream, wonder and create.  Your breath is the doorway to You.

May you breathe and respond in your most true, loving fashion.