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Green Here

Green Here

I’m thinking about the saying that “The grass is always greener on the other side”. No, it is not and Yes, it is. It is greener in some ways.  In other ways, it is not. I used to go to the New Jersey beach every weekend for many summers.  I always said if I ever […]



“Your identity is your most valuable possession.”  The Incredibles How beautiful.  How true.  What a gift.  To be YOU. I still have issues with ‘voices’ inside my head and feelings through my being with great ideas and desires.  I have others telling me not to go for them as if it believes it is protecting […]

In This Land

In This Land

In this land where we all have ‘landed’ is a strange and beautiful, expansive time and a changing of the way of ‘doing/being human’. Much is being questioned.  Much is being brought out into the light so we can see, feel, learn and grow. We can choose peace and love.  We can just angst and […]



If You are a Mother… You are love.  You offer it.  You share it.  You are an endless supply of it.  You are a Mother and You are love(d). You nurture.  You teach.  You listen.  You learn.  You go on an endless journey of things you yourself never would have imagined or thought of.  You […]

Breathe Deep

Breathe Deep

It is always a good time to breathe and to be aware that you are.  Breathe deeply into your belly.  In and out. In and out.  Expanding and contracting.   Relax into yourself.  Fill yourself up with oxygen.  Fill yourself up with your love. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes. […]



What if you chose acceptance… You know that thing that has been bothering You; for some time, awhile, years or even decades… What if you just choose to start accepting it as it is and live your life free from wanting it to be different… Would this be honor of self, honor of life, honor […]



When we change our own dynamic in a situation, a thought, a relationship… we change the entire dynamic. Dynamic – pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active; basic or dynamic force, especially one that motivates , affects development or stability (dictionary) Bringing your awareness, truth, your reasoning, your viewpoint, your desire into […]

Emoting Emotions

Emoting Emotions

Can sadness/happiness be more than an emotion…  May be all emotions can be good for us if I don’t judge them as good or bad and all things in between. Pain can hurt deeply.   As we allow our self to really feel and be with it (as much as possible), can it also lead us […]

Grounding from Withi...

Grounding from Within

How nice when I let myself do whatever I want to do throughout the day; to the best of my ability.   It is what feels like ‘vacation’ to me. Our world is surely in a state of disrepair and repair.   Our loving truth is the quickest way to rise up to where we […]

Fun Adventures

Fun Adventures

I have done a lot of living over and throughout my life thus far.   As this is an extra special week for me, I’d like to reminisce. I married in Hawaii on the island of Kauai during a three week honeymoon.   I hiked the Napali Coast and snorkeled their beautiful waters.  We helicoptered […]