May you align with the truth of your feelings and needs; through love.
Connect to your own love and spread it through every cell in your body.
Know of what You love.
Open your heart and mind from the inside out and the outside in.
May you ‘see’ in your life what You love.
“As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul…” Hermes Trismegistus
There are majestic encounters awaiting your attention.
It is my belief, and I’m sticking to it, that we are born with a roadmap of our entire lifetime. We are born with ‘tools’ to support our entire lifetime.
The “Law of Correspondence” states that there is harmony, agreement and correspondence between the physical, spiritual and mental realms.
When our body, soul and mind are in alignment, our inner world sees and connects to the outer world as such.
When we love ourselves, it is easier to share love.
When we are happy and at peace, it is easier to share peace and happiness.
When we feel chaotic and/or internal turmoil, it is easier to create and encounter chaos and turmoil in the world around us.
If you do not like the experience you are having, perhaps, there is a more loving, peaceful, harmonious way to look at said experience.
You are surely worth a try.
I am here to help, support, guide and believe in You.
It is what I do best. It is what I was born to do and be. It is something that gives me great pleasure and alignment in my own inner world.
I wish you all that you are wishing for. If it is meant to be, there is nothing that will or can stop it from being so.
Step into the magnificent and awesome world of Y(ou(rs). We, each, uniquely experience life exactly as we are supposed to.
And, through awareness and knowing yourself [through your own love] you open up to the best, possible world available to You.
We are now, as a whole, opening up to living, doing, being, creating a whole new way of living in a world that supports us (is, perhaps, forcing us) to do just this.