Most of us have some kind of preserving, covering up, hiding certain feelings and/or thoughts to the ‘outside’ world. Most of us have learned to create this ‘armor’ because once upon a time, we were laughed at, ridiculed, or hurt because of showing this part of ourselves.
It feels to me like society still does this to one another and it is my experience that we are learning that our uniqueness is, perhaps, the main reason we are here living now.
Many of us are more tolerant, open and willing to try to understand another’s point of view.
Most of us are kind, caring and want to support one another.
Is it, perhaps, true that some of us have learned a better way of creating a more united world…
Is it, perhaps, true that most of us want to. We want to know the peace and harmony that has been in songs forever. We want to create a world where our children are safe; our loved ones are safe; we are safe.
We want to experience more love and rid the world of deep hatred.
The best way that I can see this working is me living the way I’d like the world to be; in love, peace, harmony and kindness.
Do you, maybe, find yourself more aware when you are enjoying life and not enjoying life nowadays. Perhaps, can you find yourself being the watcher of what energy You are putting into our world. Perhaps, ask yourself if the energy that You are putting out is the type of energy you want coming at You.
Just maybe, it is time to begin, allow, let go of the armor you built around yourself to protect You from being laughed at, ridiculed or hurt. Perhaps, we can now stand stronger in who we are knowing that ‘what people say about us is none of our business’. And, how people act, speak or think about others is more about who and where they are in life and not about the ‘others’ they speak of.
Is it time to let the unique, awesome and loving parts of ourselves live out loud; take a chance and stand strong in who we are from the most loving, authentic places within each of us.
What if we all could fly.. Most of us do not want to fly in the same exact way of another anyway. There is room and a course for each of us.
When you feel ready, may you take your armor off and show yourself how strong You are. I know, it is extremely likely, that you are way stronger than you think yourself to be. Our bodies and souls are way more powerful and supportive of our individual lives than we were ever taught so.
Like the Phoenix, it is time to rise from the untruths and into the ultimate beingness through our innate and divine connection. In our own innate and divine connection is where we will meet the best of each other and the greatest possibilities to create, know and live.