If you find yourself not wanting to speak about something or not wanting a certain situation to have been your experience for fear and/or concern that this step will make it real then I’d like to offer you this…
It is not going to make it any more real than it is. It already is real. It already is true. Whether we speak of it or not. Whether we pretend and/or tell ourselves it is not real or did not happen. It is real. It did happen. We are living in the world of it happening. It is a part of our life whether we live in awareness of it or not.
Speaking of it or opening to your experience of its truth just may bring more clarity and create new opportunities of moving through it and forward.
Just maybe, perhaps, living it out loud could bring you support. It may surprise you with a different aspect and allow you to feel yourself more deeply and even show you a new understanding of living this/your truth. Perhaps, even a new found peace develops. There will be no more anticipation or thought of what you may have been dwelling on or burying or stuck in. The energy of it will begin to dissipate.
More opportunities, information, freedom and wisdom may show up in the courage to bring your true self into the entirety of your life and what is You.
Your breath, your life, your feelings .. your way
May you live in everything You(rs). Through your truth, your trust, your love, your wisdom, your feelings, your way. Experience life as it is now. Honor the opening up of your own mind and heart.
It is time.
The only way through our ‘stuff’ and our feelings is to acknowledge and feel everything You. The only way through is through.
May you walk through.