There is still continued and much change in the air as we experience our Spring Equinox Full Moon.  I surely hope you get to/got to see it and connect to it in whatever way feels pleasant to you.

It is possible that some things inside of you are ‘bubbling up’ (feelings, thoughts, dreams) that are asking for attention.  It is possible that it is better to just allow the attention to be given without making sense of what is happening or why you feel what you feel.

May I offer to give yourself permission to allow it, feel it, process it and move through whatever it is your are experiencing/feeling just now.

Allow what is inside of you to come up and out, into the light, through what you are and what you know.  No need to put words to it, perhaps.   Just feel.

There is ‘stuff’ so deeply embedded within our own stories.  This ‘stuff’ may be showing itself to you.  It may be ready to come up and show itself.  You may be ready to let it.

I feel I am learning and allowing self-validation.  I got this phrase of ‘self-validation’ from seeing a beautiful red cardinal sitting on my fence outback and looking at me.

I went to the book “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews and looked up ‘cardinal’.  It tells us that the cardinal may be reminding us that it could be time to “renew our vitality” and to accept a “new sense of our own true self-importance”.  It speaks of “listening to the inner voice (the feminine) more closely for our own health and well-being”.

May you self validate what you feel, what you believe, what you know and what you are.   Self validate from a place of truth, kindness, strength and allowance.

As we believe and allow ourselves that we are whole – fear subsides and we find our self living on our best possible path in each situation.

Perhaps, this is one way to fulfillment.

Perhaps, allow yourself to be fulfilled.   May you have the courage to allow your courage to set you free.

May you escape into your whole and true self, through your own courageous heart, creating fulfillment for yourself and in your life. 

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