Everything is multi-layered. May you choose to look to what ‘layer(s)’ of yourself give you the most of what you are looking for that connects you to the part(s) of You that You enjoy the most. (Say what.. Ha).
We all have ease and brightness within us. We all have dark and challenges within us. When put together, just maybe, we can create ease within the darkness.
I find, for me, the best way to go about (live) in this ease and darkness is to bring my loving truth into it. To walk along side it as Me. To offer my truth. To state my truth. To be my truth. To own my truth.
This creates peace within. When I have peace within, I can offer peace without.
May You look at what connects You to [and through] your bright side of things…
We don’t have to enjoy everything about ourselves. And, the gift of living in and through everything about ourselves is monumental. It is uplifting. It is satisfying (especially on the other side of same until it becomes second nature). It is the very best opportunity and path to flow through any storm into clear, open skies. It is always the best way to be; to show up.
Hang loose in our truth. Do not let judgment participate; as best we can. The lines can be blurred and how we feel can lead us through these blurred lines.
You feeling what is present for you to feel is a choice, a reaction, an openness to all that life has to offer You. All that You have to offer to your life.
Feelings, along with the use of our brains, is the human way of creating the ‘best of’ in any and all situations, experiences, relationships.
Being true and vulnerable, authentic and raw opens up every door possible within, around and throughout what is for us.
May you open as many doors as possible from living in your truth letting love and ownership of same be the key.
We are made up of unlimited layers. Our truth in and through it all with open heart and mind is Ah-mazing. Be Ah-mazing.
The creation, the wherewithal, the bounty, the presence, the gifts that come with same are as limitless as the layers of just allowing ourselves to be human; just as we are.
Get on with your human self. Fly in and through storms. Create the clearings of your paths/roads/ways and keep g(r)o(w)ing forward.
Let your truth show up and participate as if set on ‘cruise control’. It just happens. No hesitation. Love.