Freedom. The feeling of freedom. The belief of freedom. The freedom of freedom. It really expands everything that I am and feel in the most beautiful, flowing ways when I tell myself I am free. When I feel free to be me, there is no stopping me. There is great light. There is lightness. There is joy, endless possibilities and WOW that abounds and invigorates everything I am and everything that I do; everything that I dream. I feel all aglow in the most uplifting, fun and love of life way.
May you find yourself all aglow living You from the inside out.. the purity of You that you were born to live. !!
Light the innate You up! You are free to live as you deem loving and free; dancing and prancing. Get your swagger on. !! Let yourself feel aglow. Work it. Ha!
It is an empowering power within us all. We are the only ones that can free ourselves and empower our power.
I so want to encourage You to live free; to free yourself; to free your mind and follow and live in and through each beat of your heart and radiance of your soul. Live the You that feels aglow and is aglow.
Aglow – light, happiness, luminous, radiant, unclouded, unobscured, shining, ablaze and brilliant