I am not experiencing an ‘achy breaky heart’ just now. I am grateful for this. I am experiencing an achy breaky continuous strength that feels challenging and very real.
No matter how many years (30) that I have been studying and exploring the wherewithal of myself, I am human.
Humans do not always have it together. Humans are not always filled with certainty. Humans do experience pain. Humans can experience hardship. Humans experience it all. Everything that is meant for each of us to experience.
It is what I do with this disorganization, uncertainty, pain, hardship and what is meant for me that has me experiencing life as I do.
When happiness and joy show up, be grateful. Fill yourself up in it.
When hardship of any kind shows up, be grateful, as best You can. There is a need for altering, changing, new guidance and new ways that open up for You.
To experience everything you are here to experience is your life.
May you do your best to trust, stay true, love and step through life as it shows up.
Peace can always be chosen from within yourself. Love can be chosen. Kindness and truth are empowering. To live who you truly are and what you truly feel in every experience, relationship, moment and breath is for you to live your life fully present.
This is where anything that feels achy breaky is requesting your attention. The deeper and sooner you attend to it, the freer to live your life you become.
May you free yourself to live all that is your life; as often and as much as possible.
You are amazing. Flow. Be. Feel. Believe. Honor.
You are what’s happening to create the life as you give what you give to the experience of your humanness, spirt, soul, heart and wisdom.
May you bring You Up.