Check in time invitation…
Are your shoulders relaxed… How about your jaw… Imagine the ground/chair/bed underneath you completely supporting you… let go.
May you relax into yourself.
May you check in with your body every so often. Take a breather.
May you take a couple deep breaths; from time to time.
Take one full deep breath; in and out. All the way in. Fill up the belly. Then All the way out.
Then a 2nd breath; in and out. All the way in. Fill up the belly. Then All the way out. Slow and deep.
Then a 3rd breath; in and out. All the way in. Fill up the belly. Then All the way out. Notice if the air is cooler going in and warmer as you breathe out.
Then a 4th breath; in and out. All the way in. Fill up the belly. Then All the way out. As you breathe out, relax and let go of any and all tension in your body.
Then a 5th breath; in and out. All the way in. Fill up the belly. Then All the way out. Continue to take slow, deep breaths for as long as you’d like.
Thank Yourself for all that You do and all that You are. Give yourself your love. Fill yourself up with it. Give yourself a hug.